Australian National University AGRTP Scholarship 2024-2025 |Fully funded
Australian National University AGRTP Scholarship 2024-2025. Are you an aspiring scholar seeking to pursue advanced research in Australia? Look no further than the Australian National University Government Research Training Program (AGRTP) Scholarship for the academic year 2024-2025. Renowned for its academic excellence and commitment to fostering research innovation, the Australian National University (ANU) offers this prestigious scholarship to international students aiming to pursue a Master by Research or PhD by Research programs.
Why Choose the Australian National University AGRTP Scholarship?
- World-Class Education Hub: ANU, ranked #34 globally and #1 in Australia, boasts a vibrant academic community comprising over 7,128 postgraduate students from diverse backgrounds.
- Fully Funded Opportunity: The AGRTP Scholarship offers comprehensive financial support, covering tuition fees, a tax-free stipend, health insurance, relocation expenses, and an arrival allowance.
- Diverse Research Areas: From humanities to earth sciences, AGRTP supports research across various fields, including indigenous studies, climate change, health policy, and space sciences.
Key Details of the Scholarship
- Duration: 3 years for PhD, 2 years for Master
- Benefits: Fully Funded
- Application Deadline: 31st August 2024
- Commencement Date (Round 1 International): 31st March 2025
Eligibility Criteria
The AGRTP Scholarship is open to international students pursuing Higher Degree Research programs. Applicants can enroll in Master by Research or PhD by Research programs.

Research Areas
All these areas are priority areas of research, underscoring the importance and urgency in delving deeper into their respective fields. As such, they warrant more focused studies and increased funding to explore innovative solutions and new knowledge that can lead to significant advancements in these disciplines.
- Humanities
- Indigenous studies
- Social sciences
- Social structures & processes
- The arts
- Biodiversity
- Climate change
- Earth & environmental sciences
- Energy alternatives
- Resource & environmental management
- Food security
- Resilience & Adaptation
- Secure networks
- Security policy
- Strategy & defence
- Combating diseases & conditions
- Health policy
- Mental health & cognition
- Population health
- Asia & Pacific countries
- Economic growth & wellbeing
- International studies
- Northern Australia
- Political sciences
- Prosperity in our region
- Regulation, justice & law
- Earth sciences
- Enabling science
- Information age
- New materials & processes
- Physics & engineering
- Space sciences
Application Process
- Find a Supervisor: Identify a supervisor aligned with your research interests by exploring ANU’s pool of esteemed faculty members.
- Apply for Admission: After securing a supervisor, apply for admission to a Higher Degree by Research program. Ensure you meet ANU’s admission requirements and upload your supervisor’s agreement or offer letter during the application process HERE.
- Scholarship Consideration: While applying for admission to the HDR program, express your interest in being considered for the AGRTP Scholarship. There’s no separate application form for the scholarship.
Selection Process
The AGRTP Scholarship is awarded based on academic merit, ensuring that the brightest minds receive the support they need to pursue groundbreaking research.
Embark on a transformative academic journey with the Australian National University AGRTP Scholarship. Seize this opportunity to contribute to global knowledge while enjoying the unparalleled research facilities and supportive academic environment offered by ANU.
Ready to take the first step towards your research aspirations? Visit the official Australian National University AGRTP Scholarship page for detailed information and start your application today!
Alguem daqui já foi contemplado por essa bolsa? É confiável?
Não entendi muito bem os critérios de seleção. Parece que é muito difícil conseguir essa bolsa.
Nossa, que oportunidade incrível! Pena que só abre em 2024. Até lá eu nem sei se vou estar viva, kkkkkkk.
Não recebi resposta sobre minha solicitação depois que enviei meu arquivo para a universidade. Poxa, acho que perdi o prazo, kkkkkk.
Eu achei a notícia sobre essa bolsa muito boa, mas achei o site meio confuso e com muitas informações. Não consegui entender muita coisa.
É muito legal essa oportunidade, ainda mais para quem quer fazer pesquisa, estudar em uma boa universidade e não tem condições financeiras.
Essa bolsa é só pra quem vai fazer doutorado, né?
Eu enviei minha candidatura, mas não tenho muita esperança de ser selecionada. Tem muita gente boa se candidatando.
Essa bolsa é uma ótima oportunidade para quem quer fazer pesquisa no exterior. Parabéns pela iniciativa!
Opa, maravilha! Vou me candidatar já! Tenho todos os requisitos. Só não sei como vou conseguir comprovar meus 15 anos de experiência.
Eu tomei conhecimento sobre essa bolsa. Me mande mais informações por favor, você pode? Tipo, quais são os requisitos? Eu não sou australiano, posso me candidatar?