Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Scholarship at Deakin University 2024/2025

Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Scholarship at Deakin University 2024/2025: Empowering Women from Rural and Regional Victoria

Empowering Women from Rural and Regional Victoria

Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Scholarship at Deakin University 2024/2025. The Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Scholarship at Deakin University offers a transformative opportunity for women from rural and regional Victoria facing financial challenges. This scholarship supports their pursuit of an undergraduate degree at Deakin University, ensuring financial assistance and academic encouragement.

Key Dates

  • Application Open Date: September 15, 2023
  • Application Close Date: January 9, 2024, at 5 PM

Scholarship Offer Rounds

  • Round 1: Submit your application and supporting documents by January 9, 2024, at 5 PM for the initial scholarship offers. We aim to allocate the full scholarship amount in this round.
  • Re-offer Round: For remaining scholarships, submit your application and documents by January 31, 2024, at 5 PM. All scholarships will be awarded within six weeks after this round closes.

Scholarship Benefits

Recipients will receive cash payments up to $7,000 per year for 3-4 years, depending on the course duration.

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Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a female domestic student
  • Commencing an undergraduate bachelor’s degree at Deakin University in Trimester/Semester 1, 2024
  • Enrolled full-time in a Commonwealth supported place
  • Residing in or relocating from a Victorian rural or regional location
  • Demonstrate financial disadvantage through Centrelink benefits, Low Income Health Care Card, or a personal/family taxable income below the university’s threshold

Scholarship Conditions

Recipients must:

  • Maintain a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of at least 60
  • Write an introduction statement outlining their study goals and the significance of the scholarship
  • Provide a completion statement at the end of their studies
  • Not hold another concurrent scholarship

Application Process

supporting documentation: Applicants must upload current and relevant documents to demonstrate financial hardship. Ensure you choose the correct document type when uploading, as incorrect types will not be considered. Focus on quality over quantity in your submissions.

Application Tips: Reflect on why you want the scholarship, how it will benefit you, and what you can contribute to the Deakin community. For additional guidance, read our top 5 tips on applying for a scholarship.

For more details on supporting documentation and application tips, visit Deakin University’s Scholarship Page.

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Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Scholarship at Deakin University 2024/2025: Empowering Women from Rural and Regional Victoria

The short URL of the present article is: https://gatescholarships.com/visit/156c

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