Cameroon: GCE 2023 A-Level Results PDF
Cameroon: GCE 2023 Results ordinary and Advanced Level certificate. The Cameroon General Certificate of Education (GCE) is a key exam for students in Cameroon. Every year, thousands of students take this exam to graduate from high school and pursue higher education. The GCE 2023 results are highly anticipated as they open up new opportunities for students across the country. In this article, we will look at the GCE 2023 results and the impact they will have on students and their future.
How is the GCE results graded
The Cameroon GCE board grading system is very simple and easy to understand. However, both O/L and A/L are not graded the same.
OL grade
At the O/L, the performance of a candidate in each subject attempted is indicated in descending order of merit by the grades A, B, C, D, E, O, or F which is recorded on the results slip issued to the candidate.
A pass in the O/L, subject is indicated by one of the three grades A, B, and C of which A is the highest and C is the lowest grade. Performance below Grade C is not recorded on the certificate.
Grade O indicates an Ordinary Level passed awarded in a subject taken at the Advance Level. It signifies that the candidate did not pass at the Advance Level but was judged to have reached at least the standard of Grade C of the Ordinary Level.
Download 2022 Results Below
General Certificate of Education Examination Ordinary Level
General Certificate of Education Examination Advanced Level
AL grade
At the A/L, the performance of a candidate in each subject attempted is indicated in descending order of merit by the grades A, B, C, D, E, O or F which is recorded on the Result slip issued to the candidate.
- A grade = 75-100
- B grade = 70-75
- C grade = 65-70
- D grade = 60-65
- E grade = 50-60
- O grade = 45-49
A pass in an Advance Level subject is indicated by one of the five grades A, B, C, D, & E. With Grade A being the Highest and Grade E being the lowest. Grade F is recorded as a failing grade and is not often issued in certificates but may appear on your results slip.

When will GCE Results be published?
Students, along with their families and teachers, are eagerly awaiting the release of the GCE 2023 results. According to the information provided by the relevant authorities, the results will be announced on July 25, 2023.
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